What to do ?!

First of all, here are a few principles which should be followed:

- this is an activity of sharing ideas and an oportunity to influence the "world we live in" in a positive way;
- the ame is not to anoy anyone but to bring pleasant and wakening thoughts to others - I believe these thoughts will have a constructive impact on society;
- it is an activity similar to gardening: it needs to be cultivated with love and in harmony;
- it is an experimental activity, to be explored and with much space for new ideas !

Now practically:

- look for a text which inspires you and which you think could inspire others (it can be a famous text, a text you wrote, a text I wrote, a text he wrote, any text).
- copy it, or print it, big enough that people will be able to recognise it... Most of the times people will pass by and won't see the point of stoping to read, or won't see anything at all.
*I prefer not to sign the texts I tape, because I want all the attention to be on what is written and not on who is the author;
- find a place where it makes sense for you to have this text, and look for the best way to present it (framework, tape, glue, sculpture...)
- and at last if you could send some pictures of it I would be happy to publish them on the blog. Send to: timbelime@hotmail.com

And if you're looking for some inspiration maybe you'll find what you need in one of these meditation* techniques (exercises to increase your flow of energy, release your thoughts, create compassion, undo tensions, etc... everything to clear up your inspiration):
- light meditation
- thistle meditation
- tree meditation
- breathing meditation
- dongy meditation

*exercises to increase your flow of energy, release your thoughts, create compassion, undo tensions, etc... everything to clear up your inspiration.

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