sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012

"First face shining"
 (taped in the dressing room of my circusschool.)

Always remember where you come from, and you'll be on your path whatever might happen. Actually we are always on our path... but we're not always aware of it.

 "The broken lucifer"
(first outdoor florilla poem, on a street lamp)

The beauty and the beest of technology. We are always free to see the ugly or the beautiful side of things; sometimes beauty hides behind the beest.

quinta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2012

 "A thousand faces"
(first indoor florilla poem)

At some level, creation is what we decide to do in the setting that is at our disposal. It is a transformation of what we were into what we will be - so I resume it is what we are...